Hardcore Anal and some House Painting!

Hardcore Anal!!! I’ve been painting my house for the last week and by now I’m so tired! I have blisters in my hands and my neck hurts from looking up while painting the ceiling. But two good things have come out of this:

1. I got to do a sexy video where I suck a guy’s cock and he sucks mine, while painting the house. (the video is called Spit, Swallow or Paint) And also some deep hardcore anal. Ohh how good it felt to know that the painter was paid in full with one simple orgasm.


And also,

2. My house looks spectacularly beautiful 🙂
Right now its time for you to sit back and enjoy this movie of me paying off my debts. Its a lot of hard work but some hot girl with a 13 inch cock has to do it.


Hardcore Anal

Click the image above to see the movie right now. Also remember to check out the photo set that goes along with it. Furthermore make sure to comment on the set if you find it hot.

Oh, did I mention that you can also surf around on this site for more samples of me getting naked and or getting fucked? Click right now.

Posted in Anal, Big Cock, Big Tits | 3 Comments

Sexy Lingerie

Sexy Lingerie!   I love wearing lace lingerie, and this one was so soft and delicate that it felt great on my skin! After some good makeup, styling my hair and putting on stiletto high heels, and I was ready to pose in front of my camera, to show you this exciting photo set… Enjoy it!

Sexy Lingerie is only what the body inside can make of it. If the cup of the boobs does not get filled up it looks strange. However if its to tight also then it looks bad.  For me its all about the tits and ass. So some times finding the right lingerie for my body can be hard.

Its also a little hard when I need to hide my cock.  Most of you have already seen it and know that its rather large. And yes I can tuck it back to hide it. But I usually still have bulge upfront. So I need something that looks sexy but hides it.

Shemales in lingerieClick on the image above to see more of this super hot photo set. Watch as my cock gets hard and I stroke it for both of our pleasure.

Otherwise if you just want to surf the free but lower quality samples you can do that right here.  See more of my big cock.

Posted in Big Tits, Lingerie, Panties, Uncategorized | 9 Comments

Hard Shemale Cock

Hard Shemale Cock!

Yesterday I watched one of my (if not my one) favorites movies. “Gone with the wind”. I don’t know any other three hours activity that is better than watching that movie. Thing is that in my dreams last night I was Scarlett.  And I wore a big hat and a heavy dress just to hide my Hard Shemale Cock.

Now, I do remember boys chasing me to the river and only one making it to grab me and throw me to the dirt. And this is where he got to pull up my dress and get lost under so much gauze and lace. However,  I thought he would get out and run scared after seeing my anaconda. But rather he stayed there a couple of minutes and I felt a nice rubbing that made me smile mischievously.

I cant recall what happened next because my super hard she-cock started to beat in real life and I woke up just to take it in my hands and gave it so much love that it ended up crying tears of sperm up in my boobs, like in the arms of an embracing mother. Talk about poetry!!!


Also guys remember that I have a lot of other posts on this site. You can read about enjoy sample photos. But click through to see the whole set of anything that you like.

See more about my big tranny cock now.

Posted in Big Cock, Simply Sexy, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Shemale Erection outdoors.

Shemale Erection outdoors!

I know that most of my friends, those who know what I am, want to see me naked and touch me. And some even want me to stick my dick in their asses or pussies. I know because they look at me lasciviously and on more than one occasion they have made jokes about getting to fuck me.  Of course it is always a joke! But you know that jokes for the most part are always true. For those of you that know, Shemale Erection outdoors or indoors can be fun or bad.

This morning we were having lunch at Alfredo’s. He is  my neighbor and friend since high school. He is a manly man, a super Argentinian macho, and I felt like putting to the test when I wore this super skinny jeans. Of course after the second bottle of Argentinian wine (the best in the world) and told him I had an erection. And that was embarrassing. However,  I could not help it. So I asked him to please let me use his bathroom to easy it down.

He agreed “Of course Mariana feel free to use the one in my master bedroom” I guessed  I had won. 49 seconds after I walked in  his bathroom he entered. And asked me, begged me if I will let him grab my cock and feel it. But he made me promise I wouldn’t tell anyone.

Of course, I promised but because I am a girl, and girls gossip, I am disclosing the event here. And without even coding his  name, hahaha. Furthermore, when he had it in his mouth, he managed to say, in gag language: “Bis if one ell offa cock”…I think he meant This is one hell of a cock.

Shemale Erection outdoors


Also remember that I have a lot more Outdoor and indoor erections photos. And that you can sample right here. Just click for more Big Cock photos.

Posted in Big Cock, Masturbatiion, Outdoors, Simply Sexy | 6 Comments

Tits Cock and Ass. All from Mariana Cordoba

Tits Cock and Ass. All from Mariana Cordoba! So when looking for a woman do you want just tits and ass? Or is tits cock and ass good for you as well. We assure you when it comes to pleasure there is nothing better than the big three. And as you can see with Mariana Cordoba the three are really big!

Enjoy this photo and also make sure to take a few minutes and rate and comment. We all love when you do that for us.

Tits Cock

As you sit looking at the photo. Think of her squatting that tight ass down on your hard cock! As her tits bulge out like that and her cock stands up nice and hard!
https://join.tsmarianacordoba.com/track/NS4xLjEuMS4yMC4wLjAuMC4w” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Click here to join instantly!

Check out other posts of Mariana right here!

Posted in Big Cock, Big Tits, Masturbatiion | Leave a comment

Cock Tits and Panties! Mariana Cordoba is hanging out!

Cock Tits and Panties! Mariana Cordoba is hanging out! First of all. HOLY shit look at the size of that massive cock! Another thing. Right now, check out those sexy panties and that seductive smile. Cock tits and panties are the favorite combination of a lot of men and Mariana Cordoba makes this shot perfect!

Right now is your best chance to see the rest of this set of photos and also the video that goes with it.

Like everyone else, you will be happy that you watched it. And your cock will be either sore when done or wanting more. Both if which you can have if you also keep your membership.

Click this link to join right now and enjoy right away!

Cock Tits

Also click this link and check out other posts on this site.

Posted in Big Cock, Big Tits, Panties, Simply Sexy | Leave a comment

Suck Tranny Cock! Especially this massive one!

Suck Tranny Cock! Especially this massive one! When it comes to a big tranny Cock Mariana Cordoba has an awesome one! And she just wants you to suck tranny cock. Also play with her in every way you can to help her get off.

So if you want to watch that massive tranny cock explode and shoot cum everywhere! You need to get it deep into your mouth while stroking your own.

Suck Tranny Cock

Click the image and watch the movie of that amazing cock exploding cum. You will bust a nut as well watching and you wont be able to stop.’

So if you have never had a chance to Suck Tranny cock. You might want to consider it!

Join right now!

Posted in Big Cock, Big Tits, Stockings | Leave a comment

Long Tranny Cock with Mariana Cordoba!

Long Tranny Cock with Mariana Cordoba! Sitting outdoors and posing can be a lot of fun. Especially when you have a long tranny cock like this and it touches the floor when sitting down. As you can see in the photo below of Mariana Cordoba she is as sexy as hell and has one of the longest cocks. And when her cock is hard its 3 times the size of the photo.

Honestly this is a cock that you need to see right now. She is going to play with it in this set and get it big and hard for you. That way you get a preview of what you wanted to see in the first place. Just imagine if you could be the one to stoke it to complete erection.

Don’t miss out on seeing more of this amazing cock and also the hot body its a part of. Click the image to check out the tour of her website! She is also going to free those big and beautiful juicy trans girl tits of hers. So that you can play with them as well.

Long Tranny Cock

When your in the members area and also here on this blog please rate the photos and videos and also comment.

Posted in Big Cock, Big Tits | Leave a comment

Sucking Dildo in place of cock!

Sucking Dildo in place of cock! Yes its just practice but its a lot of fun to watch. Check out the photo below and the clip from the movie and see what we are talking about. Mariana Cordoba sucking dildo in place of cock. Of course had you been nice enough to bring your cock for her she would have practiced on you! Sucking you. Fingering your ass and stroking your balls.

Now if you are starting to get ideas and also an erection, then its time to join the members area!

Check out the video below!

Sucking dildo

DO not miss out on seeing this whole movie. Also on commenting and tell the other members what you loved about it.

https://join.tsmarianacordoba.com/track/NS4xLjEuMS4yMC4wLjAuMC4w” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>Click here to join now.

Also remember to rate and comment as you go.

Further more you can check out older samples here!

Posted in Big Cock, Big Tits, Simply Sexy, Video | Leave a comment

Panties and Stockings with a Huge cock!

Panties and Stockings with a Huge cock! Mariana Cordoba sure knows how to dress sexy! And in Panties and Stockings with her massive cock tucked in! She looks more like a woman than most women do. And also tasty as hell.

Mariana has a tendency to play dress up to get your cock hard and weather its in panties or in stockings your going to want to fuck her silly. And once she gets that cock out your going to want her to fuck you silly. As you can see the panties she has on can barely contain that huge cock. And the instant you touch her its going to escape and ask for affection as well. So once it pops out make sure to give it a kiss and a stroke to really heat things up.

Click on the image below to see the rest of the set!
Panties and Stockings

But dont masturbate yet and cum wait until you see the movie. Click and join right now so that we can cum together as you watch this movie. So hot when a man does that for me. Then make sure and post a comment about your experience.

Click here to join right now.

Posted in Big Cock, Big Tits, Panties | Leave a comment

Sucking tranny cock! Does it get you off?

Sucking tranny cock! Does it get you off? Well if you like sucking tranny cock e need to know if it gets you off. Mariana Cordoba loves to get sucked off and has the perfect fat and hard cock for it. Also she likes to fuck guys with that massive love wand.

Take a minute right now to check out the members area of the site. Rate and also comment on what gets you hard!

Sucking tranny cock

Get on your knees and open your mouth and take this long hard cock deep into your throat.

Stroke it with your tonsils.

Click here to join now and have fun with Mariana and also some of her friends.

Also click here to check out other posts on this site.

Posted in Big Cock, Big Tits, Simply Sexy | Leave a comment

Hung Tranny Cock Compare! With Mariana Cordoba?

Hung Tranny Cock Compare! With Mariana Cordoba? Sad to say but there is honestly no comparison! Hands down Mariana Cordobas cock wins! A Hung Tranny Cock Compare with Mariana is just a one sided thing. Nothing is that big, that hard or sexy!

Just take a look at the photo below and you will see what we are talking about. This set of course is more than just the compare. It gets into some hot action so make sure to check that out.

Also she has a set of massive tits and a mouth that can suck you dry! Another thing is her ass. Wow its tight and hot and ready for a good fucking! Mariana is the all around perfect trans girl with all the right parts. She also is super sexy and sensual. That makes her one of the hottest trans girls you will ever see online.

Click here right now to see the rest of this set and also the videos.

Hung Tranny Cock Compare

If you love the look of lingerie on a trans girl then Mariana is going to be one for you. She has tons of sexy lingerie and panties and she loves to wear them.

Or you can click here to check out other samples of sets from Marianas members area!

Posted in Big Cock, Big Tits, Masturbatiion | 3 Comments