I love to eat

Now that I have shared with you my cleaning habits I believe is time to talk about food. First of all you ought to know what important it is for me to eat right. My daily menu mostly consists in fruits and veggies, fish and meat (rather white) and little dairy but some. I love bread, I am crazy about bread and sweets but i try to keep away from them as much as possible because if I lay hands on a Hershey bar I will see the end of it, same with bread and butter. To make it harder for me, in Argentina there is an exquisite pastry-making tradition. You can find bakeries everywhere, pastry showing windows, proud of their products. Wherever you go you will easily be tempted to enter a bakery to indulge with the finest pastries. Well, that is something I fight every day…and I win most of the time.

There is a moment of my life when I dont care much about what I eat and is after I had sex. When I achieve a massive cum shot after being cared about and kissed all over my body and caressed and talked in the ear with love words, I run to the fridge and prepare a tray with goodies and would bring them to bed to stuff myself right there amongst kisses and romanticism. Happiness always comes first.

I love to eat


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9 Responses to I love to eat

  1. sibarita says:

    Ciao Mariana,
    sono un tuo fan da tanto tempo e ti ho già scritto un paio di volte. Mi piacerebbe conoscerti tantissimo.. è solo un sogno o un giorno tornerai in italia?
    Buona giornata

    • Mariana Cordoba says:

      Ciao Marc. Scusate se ho perso i tuoi commenti precedenti e vi ringrazio per essere un fan. Il mio italiano è limitato, ma sentitevi liberi di scrivermi e io farò del mio meglio per rispondere. Hai già visitato il mio sito? Ho un sacco di foto e video che sono sicuro vi piacerà. Ci vediamo 🙂

      • sibarita says:

        tu parli benissimo italiano mariana! Però non mi hai detto se un giorno tornerai in italia..

        • Mariana Cordoba says:

          Non ho intenzione di andare in Italia per il tempo, ma io sono molto imprevedibile e può salire su un aereo per l’Europa all’improvviso, non perdere le speranze, 🙂

  2. Keule says:

    Unlike most Argentineans, you seem to prefer lighter meals – no beef or pork?

    • Mariana Cordoba says:

      Yes yes, I like beef and pork but eat it little because fatty food like that one will make fat and I would not be beautiful Mariana anymore 😉

  3. jake fucko says:

    when you eat miss cordoba’s candy no genetic female holds a candle to the pleasure she provides a male

  4. jake fucko says:

    cordoba massive candy makes a normal genetic female a flake

  5. jake fucko says:

    cordorba is the queens of quens

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