Good to know

Listen to this…well first of all, How was your weekend? I hope you had a good beginning of the week, I was saying I met someone this weekend and he was asking me if I ever miss any woman’s part, if you know what I mean. He was trying to ask if I feel whole even though I don’t have a vagina and the benefits and disadvantages (if any) of not being a complete this or a complete that. Here goes my answe, I am the dream of any man because:

1. I am ready to fuck at any time

2. I don’t feel used

3. I dont have paranoia

4.I don’t have headaches every month

5. I don’t have a vagina but I have another hole which does not bleed (at least not in amounts)

6. I don’t have mood swings every month

7. I do have a tranny-cock that is restless


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8 Responses to Good to know

  1. Mike says:

    Hello Mariana, my name is Mike and I live in southern California. I would love to be in one of your videos and take anything you it even your friends can give me ;). How would that be possible?? Any suggestions would be great!!

  2. The Doctor says:

    I think you’re perfect the way you are! 🙂

  3. Average Joe says:

    Good answer

  4. big daddy says:

    right on baby, n ps u r my greatest desire i love dat fat cock!

  5. titsncock says:

    Perfect answer from a perfectly HOT woman!! Love you!

  6. lordworm says:

    we love your hole Mariana

  7. Remy says:

    Your my dream woman!!!

  8. Jimmie Chase aka driwulf54 says:

    Any man that gets all of you is lucky indeed. It would be a dream come true to feel that restless cock of yours sliding in and out of my two holes for hours.

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