Fishnet stockings and heels are the topic of this post. And I assure you that they are actually in the photo below. However you will have to shift your focus a little to the left and maybe even down a bit. But the Fishnet stockings and heels are right there in plain site. And I might add. Sexy as hell.
So. Did you locate those fishnet stockings and heels in the photo yet? OK ok no problem. Lets then just focus on a few other nice things in this photo. Take for instance that fruit bowl. hahaha No not jus that but the bananas inside. Not even close to the Banana Mariana has on the table. Her cock is so big is makes the bananas look small. And then her balls hanging there in her tight sack make the apples look small and bad. Mariana Cordobas cock and balls in this photo look more than just tasty. They make you want to lick them and just swallow them hole.
Click on the image below to check out more of this photo set. Also make sure to watch the movie that was made and what Mariana does with her own big banana and the ones on the table. Click right now so you do not miss out on anything!