A few months ago, when I moved to Uruguay, my neighbor killed my cat. I was devastated, and called the police, but nobody did anything about it. In a lot of Latin countries, an animal is just that 🙁
I was feeling really bad and very impotent, so a friend of mine suggested that I got a new kitten. My old cat was solid black, and I went and looked for a solid black kitten. I found this cutie with bright blue eyes, and I just fell in love with him. So I adopted him.
Two months later, last night, he ran out of the house and crossed the street and was killed. I am so heart broken! I can’t stop crying! It is not fair to lose two cats in such a short time…
Sorry about your cat(s). I hope you find a new one. I was wondering if you were actually in Raleigh, NC. If not, someone is using your profile as you on backpage.com. Please let me know if this is you or a fake.
hi…you look great
just a quick question because you never know this days…
is that you postings listing in backpage LA with a link to your website?
So sorry to hear about your loss Mariana 🙁 I have dogs and if someone were to kill one..I don’t like to think about what I would do. And to lose another so soon, thats heartbreaking.
Sorry to hear about your cat, I know how you feel – lost 2 cats in the same year a few years ago, both by complete arseholes that use our road as a race track.
Unfortunately this is the fate of all outdoor cats my dear. Every cat person I know , who’s cat is an outdoor cat , usually disappears within 15 month’s. It’s the craziest thing. It’s like there’s a cat eating demon just waiting for them. Unfortunately for you, you also live in an area that’s not kitty friendly. My advice to you is , indoor cats, big dogs, small lion, donkey or a goat , at least a goat you can milk it. It’s practical and your neighbor is less likely to kill it just for fun . As for myself I prefer dogs , but there like little children and require high maintenance . Finally ,as a general formality I am compelled to say ….You are insanely beutifull, and I love the fact that I can interact with you through your blog…other stars don’t have this feature. Gracias
Have you left Twitter? I looked for you today (as I’d been away for a while) and sadly couldn’t see you on there? Was quite sad news – hope all is okay? Hugs CDA x
Saw a post with your name and pics on chicago backpage today. You are so hot, I was planning on calling, but am concerned that it might not be you. Are you in the chicago area (schaumburg) this week?
sorry to hear about your cats some people are terrible drivers and do not deserve to be on the road i am lucky my cat has taught himself to stay clear of any cars so i am quite lucky but my old cat wasnt hope you dont give up on pets x
Entiendo perfectamente que estes triste. Mucha gente no comprende la relación tan afectiva que se puede tener con un gato o con un perro.
Te escribo desde Alemania donde tambien hay hijos de la …. que se dedican a envenenar a
los gatos. Ese tipo de individuos dan asco y deberian de vivir encerrados en jaulas.
Espero que pronto te animes un poquitos y sigas deleintando a tu publico con maravillosos trabajos fotográficos. Kisses y Abrazos desde el Norte de Alemania
So sorry to hear about your cats 🙁 Huge hug!!!
Sorry to hear the bad news about your cats. Losing a pet is one of the most difficult things in the world to go through….my condolences.
Very sorry to hear about the death of your two cats ,in a short span of time – Marrianne.I can understand your sense of loss well ….I remember a cat and a few kitten I was forced to let go by my family when I was a teenager . I never gained the heart to bring another one home since then just because of the fear of loosing them again:-(
In some cultures,the death of a cat ,specially a black one signifies something ,I’m told .
Anyway ,take care and keep smiling …that alone launches a thousand cats …mmmmuahhhh !
Sorry to hear about your cats. Cats and dogs or another animals are called pet.But in think they are family.Then we lost them .We feel very sad.
Que pena Mariana no te mereces nada de esto, deberías ir con ese maldito vecino y partirle el culo…
Mariana – I am SO sorry to hear about your beloved kitties! 🙁 Pets are like little family members and losing them is VERY hard, no matter how it happens. I hope you can find the strength to move on from it and heal. <3
Una lástima lo de los gatos. A los animales se les coge mucho cariño, yo también tengo un gato. Estaba pasando por tu web y me pregunto si a una belleza como tu, le gusta viajar. No se si te gusta viajar, pero si se que muchos esperamos que viajes a Europa, a ser posible por España. No sólo porque es un país que te gustará, sino porque habrá mucha gente que nos gustaría verte en persona, no se si eso es posible o no, seguro que hay gente por todo el mundo deseando que visites su país, je je je. Estás muy guapa con el pelo liso negro, sigue así, que estás para hacerte un monumento.
I am sorry to hear about your cats! I was never a cat person but was in a relationship with agirl and we got a cat together. She is now gone but I still have the cat which I have gotten very attached to, I think I got the better end of the bargain. LOL Funny thing is she was the one who got me into shemales and I think you are the hottest woman I have ever seen!
Hi, I am 20 years old love sex with you I’m with you all the pairs of white
There is an ad on Eros in Miami, saying that you are in Miami. Is that true? Or is it a fake?
I am so sorryto hear about your cats, I need you not an ther shemales. I love matiana I am waiting you I love you to mach
ammmmmmmm …you have me